We aim to connect travelers with people who want to send parcels abroad.

Connecting with travelers who can deliver your parcel has never been easier. Simply create a delivery request with the details of your package and let travels connect with you.

Delivery Favors App

How it Works

  • Register

    Being part of the community has never been easier. You can signup to the app in few steps. Just provide basic information about your self and you become a Delivery Favors community member. Delivery Favors App provide you several options for travelers to contact you. You don't need to share all your contact details. Simply share A contact detail as per your convenience. You also have an option to view the App without signing up!

  • Create Request

    Once you are a user, you can create a request for your parcel's delivery. You will be able to share all the relevant details of your parcel so travelers would know what they will be carrying during their trip. You can also take a photo of your parcel part of the request. We aim to make the journey smooth, so travelers would only contact you in case they are interested.

  • Intensification

    You can choose to offer the traveler a token of appreciation for delivering your parcel or request the delivery as a FAVOR. You can also keep this point open for negotiation.

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Be part of the community and start doing Favors

Delivery Favors App Delivery Favors App

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Feel free to contact us for any query or clarification.
We would love to hear for you. Please don't hesitate to share your feedback with us.